January 15, 2023

Ecovadis evaluates and relies on the CSR of Técnicas Reunidas

EcoVadis is a sustainability rating platform that evaluates the environmental, social and ethical performance of companies and organizations.

EcoVadis awards a rating based on the environmental, social and ethical performance of companies and organizations. In this way, EcoVadis has rated Técnicas Reunidas with 63 out of 100, which is a Silver category for them. 

Analysts have used a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) assessment approach to provide scores and comparative analysis on the sustainability of supply chains and business practices.

Companies and organizations that participate in EcoVadis are evaluated in areas such as environmental risk management, fair labor practices, business ethics and social responsibility initiatives. These assessments are used by corporate buyers, investors and other stakeholders to make informed decisions about business partnerships, investments, and sustainable purchasing practices.

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