Back Sustainability / Responsible management Responsible management Our sustainability strategy is comprehensive and encompasses all of our activities. It includes aspects of corporate governance, environment, human resources, supply chain, health and safety, regulatory compliance and relationship with society, all in a coordinated action among the departments involved. General principles of action 01Support for the principles of the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular those where the Group's contribution can be most effective, such as facilitating the production of affordable and clean energy for our customers, building resilient infrastructures, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and fostering innovation and struggle against climate change.02Compliance with applicable regulations in the countries and territories in which the Group operates, adopting commitments, standards and guidelines in those cases where there are no adequate or sufficient local regulatory stipulations.03Respect the guidelines contained in the Group's other corporate rules and texts and, in particular, in the Code of Conduct, which regulates the responsible behavior that the Group expects from its managers, professionals, subcontractors and suppliers.04Promote free market behavior, rejecting illegal or fraudulent practices, ensuring these behaviors through mechanisms for the prevention, surveillance and sanctioning of irregularities.05To implement corporate governance practices in accordance with good governance recommendations generally recognized by international markets, which promote corporate transparency and mutual trust with stakeholders.06To keep up a fluid dialogue and promote good relations between the Group and all its stakeholders.